A morning coffee conversation about how we could include the benefits of a retreat experience in our daily lives without having to fly miles or spend fortunes brought us to RYE: Retreat Yourself Everyday. In reality, not all of us are able to take huge chunks of time off from the world to detox, meditate or spend weeks at a retreat. As life changing as these experiences are, the problems and stresses of daily life tend to reappear once we return home. Long-term this isn’t really feasible nor is it entirely healthy which brings us to – How can this experience of health, fitness and wellness be brought to you on a daily basis without seriously damaging your bank account? TheRYElife allows you to bring the ‘Retreat Experience’ to your home.
To retreat yourself, or to simply treat yourself everyday does not have to be extravagant or take up vast amounts of your time. Little measures of sweetness in your day can uplift and revive. Give this one a try – add some ground cacao into your coffee maker for a cheeky yet healthy mocha flavor caffeine boost.
Allow yourself time to be creative in the home. Give yourself alone time and really relish it. Read material that is completely unrelated to your work. Educate yourself about your body and mind. Immerse yourself into some soulful music. Switch off your phone. Brew a hot cuppa of homemade ginger and lemon tea. Channel your emotions into a workout. Take a stroll without a destination in mind. Play. Most importantly find time to rest!
theRYElife provides you with a wholesome approach to the daily grind, where we often forget to retreat ourselves. Simple and easy ways to rejuvenate yourself everyday form the very core of every aspect of theRYElife. Browse through the RYE Kitchen where you’ll find healthy and nutritious recipes from snacks to meals to smoothies, including healthy deserts. Revitalize your mind through the Debunked section and do away with myths that have a negative hold on your life. When you’re looking for the quick fixes, then hit up Fit 5 ! Educate yourself through Medically Fit so that never again are you left confused, doubt-ridden and lost. Last but certainly not the least, do try to embrace and incorporate the RYE tips in your lives to help you, Retreat Yourself Everyday!
How did theRYElife come to be this one-stop for health & nutrition information and fitness training through NeuroMyoFascial Contrology Pilates?
Those who’ve known her closely will tell you just how much this young physician has evolved in just the last decade. Always buzzing, forever on the go and constantly trying her hands at what is foreign to her, Daamini is very much known for facing challenges head-on. Hailing from Cardiff School of Medicine in the UK and having trained in Surgery, General Medicine and Accident & Emergency medicine, this ‘Baby Doc’ (as she’s fondly called) never foresaw that there’d come a day when she’d leave behind her career in clinical medicine in search of something more stimulating and far more satisfying. During these turbulent professional and personal times, Daamini turned to health and fitness, initially as a distraction, and later found her solace there.
Fast-forward a few years and today she juggles her time between handling PR & Marketing for the Conceive Gynaecology & Fertility Hospital, Media & Communications for 22 other hospitals and clinics in the UAE and Kuwait, writing health & fitness columns in leading magazine publications and completing her exams to be a full-fledged Pilates instructor with a focus in therapeutic Pilates. Daamini’s biggest assets are her curiosity and her keen insight, which she utilizes to gauge and accurately assess what patients/people around her are seeking and require. This curiosity brought her to obtaining a qualification in Hypnotherapy & Past-life Regression Therapy from The Brian Weiss Institute.
Today she combines her medical science knowledge with that which she’s gained from both personal experience and excessive reading to advise, guide and inspire those around her. In particular what motivates her is the lack of awareness and proper information available to the public in this part of the world; this invariably results in people making incorrect decisions when it comes to their health and nothing irks her more. Et voila – theRYElife !