Green really is the name of this eating-clean game and so it was only a matter of time before this recipe came up. I often get asked how I create new recipes and the honest answer is I’m perpetually inspired by recipes I see/find online, in magazines and in cookbooks. A quick skim through the ingredients and I’m already substituting them with healthier options which could work without compromising on taste. A few experiments (read: kitchen disasters) later et voila 🙂
This one is inspired by a recipe from possibly one of the warmest and nicest people I’ve met in recent times – Ahlaam Ali. So Ahlaam, I hope this one appeals to you!
Don’t be alarmed by the lack of measurements in this #RYEcipe. Just go with the flow and be free. Learn to let your tastebuds dictate what you throw in!
Servings - 3
<300 - Calories
Time : 25 mins
To make :
1)In a blender blitz into a puree the coriander, coconut, spinach, lemon juice, chillis and almond milk. Then add salt & pepper as per your palate and blitz again to mix. Don’t be alarmed by how green it looks – it’s all good !
2)Slice your chicken into thin strips and throw in into a bowl. Pour over the marinade and leave overnight in the fridge to marinate
3)To cook – preheat oven to 190 degrees Celsius and bake for 30 minutes.
Great way to eat this one is either with some rice or noodles. Excuse me whilst I do just that …Juggling many roles from physician to writer to pilates instructor to Marketing-PR executive, Dr. Daamini is constantly pushed and inspired to get creative on how to encompass a Retreat into her daily life.
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