Five Applelicious Health benefits

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

October 11, 2016

Being a physician I haven’t ever warmed to the old Welsh proverb of, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away!” WHY would you want to keep me away? I don’t reckon I’m that socially awkward that I require a fruit to be kept at bay 😉


But in all seriousness, this fruit apart from it’s famed narratives in religious/cultural history is a favorite of mine and I enjoy nothing more than biting into the sweet, tang of a Granny Smith or British Gala after a workout or even now as I write this… Yummy !

Apples make for a wonderful snack at almost any point in the day and the fact that it packs a phenomenal nutritional punch is just glitter. But I wanted to explore that old proverb and here are SOME of the reasons why an apple a day CAN indeed keep the doctor away :


  • Peelful – the nutrition of this fruit definitely is “skin deep”. The peel contains powerful antioxidants like catechin, procyanidins, chlorogenic acid, ploridizn and the fiber pectin. Pectin apart from boosting HDL (high-density lipids) levels in the blood, thereby lowering heart disease risk, is wonderful in keeping you feeling full and satiated at a low calorie count.
  • Breathe easy – You can literally breathe easy by incorporating apples into your diet because apple consumption is known to improve lung function due to an antioxidant called Quercetin. In particular it is known to help decrease the risk of asthma in children.
  • Mindful – The fruit is linked to increased acetylcholine production (a neurotransmitter which assists communication between nerve cells) and is now thought to play a major role in protecting neurons (nerve cells) by reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimers. [study in Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease] Quercetin is one of the compounds that is known to help reduce cellular death from oxidation and inflammation.


  • Bowel battle of the Cancer Warrior – The fiber element of apples ensures smooth bowel functioning and optimum water absorption/excretion. This in turn keeps the food-faeces pass through the bowels smoothly and helps prevent diseases and disorders that come from a low-fiber diet like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Haemorrhoids.
    The fruit also is especially great for liver functioning because of it’s rich nutrient property and helps the liver “detox” the blood.
    A study from Cornell additionally found that Triterpenoids in apples seemingly fight against several cancers like colon, liver and breast.


  • Sweetheart – Apples are a great way to indulge your sweet tooth without having to worry about sugar-excess diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. A 2012 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition states this is due to Anthocyanins, an antioxidant. The fruit can regulates its release of fructose (sugar) into the body. Further it stimulates the Beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin to ensure the fructose from it is appropriately absorbed by the body.
    A phenomenal post workout (particular a fat burning session) bite to replenish glycogen stores in the muscle .

Five healthy ways to snack at work

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

August 7, 2016

Contrary to pop culture, it’s food and not love that binds the human race together. In sickness and in health, in sadness and in grief and in celebration and joy one common factor is FOOD. It’s that legal drug that can add a high when you’re low or elevate an existing high. With ever increasing work hours it’s essential to have a stimulating array of snacks to choose from. But ever wondered why you’re finding yourself to be increasingly crabby, snarky and ever ready to bite your colleagues’/partner’s head off?


Snacking throughout the day not only boosts your metabolism but it also prevents a dip in your blood sugar levels, which in turn is the most common cause of mood irritability. But before you reach out for that famous ‘Have a Break’ chocolate bar, STOP! Your choice of snacks not only correlates to your waistline but also to your mood.


When one is feeling lower than a snake’s belly it’s but natural for your thoughts to something sugary, creamy and gooey. Before you know it you’ve shoved a fistful of gummy bears into your mouth, chowed down 10 cream biscuits and washed it down with the contents of a fruit juice box. And you feel GREAT! You return to your work and 60 minutes later find yourself sluggish and wanting more. But you’re feeling guilty so this time you make your way to the office fridge and bring out a tub of frozen fruit yoghurt. It’ll go nicely with that granola bar you bought earlier. Fast-forward an hour and the cravings are back!

Unwittingly you’ve just consumed over 200g of sugar (equivalent to 50 teaspoons or 800 calories worth) – 10x more than your daily-recommended intake! Rest assured the ‘sugar high’ you craved is short-lived as the pancreas and liver rapidly remove the sugar leaving you irritable and brain-fogged; ‘psychoglycemia’ as I term it. And don’t be fooled by packaged food items that bear the phrase “no added sugar” and/or “all natural sugar”.

  • Something sweet – To uplift your mood and keep it buoyant for longer you need to ensure that you snack on Carbs with a low Glycemic Index, healthy mono-saturated and unsaturated fats and some protein. These macronutrients promote appetite control, drive fat metabolism and contain the amino acid Tryptophan that is required for the production of Serotonin – the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter that’s released from the brain. Long-term they are vital for warding off depression.

    Here are some sweet swaps :

  • 50g of low-fat Greek Yoghurt with a small hand of berries
  • Apple slices with a nut butter spread (ensure nuts and salt are the only ingredient)
  • 5-6 baby carrots dipped in humus
  • Instead of a packaged juice blend your fruit of choice whole with water


  • Stimulants – Ingenious marketing of coffee has left the public believing that proper functioning is synonymous to coffee intake. But Caffeine although a stimulant, is notorious for reducing accuracy and productivity. Caffeine also is addictive which is why you keep reaching out for another cup, and another, and another … THE reason why you’re “on edge”! Also, worth noting that you’re not doing yourself any favors by consuming creamy, calorific café coffees.


Swap to a decaf alternative or black coffee; limit your intake to 2 cups a day max! Better still sip on Green Tea  , which apart from being a stimulant also boosts your metabolic rate. If you’re a hot-chocolate consumer then you too have a healthier option; mix some Carob powder in skimmed or almond milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon for a low-cal, high protein and metabolism boosting snack.


  • Hydration – Chronic low fluid intake is possibly the number one reason why so many of us experience mood swings. Ditch the energy sports drinks because your body doesn’t need them and because they’re full of sugar; the culprit of your lethargy! Stick to water and add some salt and lemon if you want electrolyte.

To make fluid consumption interesting, fill a tall glass with water and throw in an effervescent multivitamin pill OR try flavoring your water with slices of strawberries, lemons, cucumbers, peaches and pears. Also try sipping on herbal flavored teas . Aim to consume 3 litres of water daily!



  • Freshen up – avoid eating your snacks whilst working. Instead get up and take a walk to stretch your legs. Step outside for ten minutes and savor every bite of your snack because such kind of sensory eating ensures your brain is made aware of being satiated. The sunlight exposure too benefits you by maintaining a steady production of Dopamine. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that gives you that passion and zest for work. Aim to get 20-30 minutes of sun a week and produce your own sunshine vitamin !



  • Toxic cleanse – Toxins come in all kinds. There’s the obvious ones like sugar, alcohol, processed carbs and cigarettes and there’s the kind that’s emotional and mental in the form of politics and gossip mongering. All this negativity definitely influence your snacking habits. Time for a DETOX on this stuff. Smoking – STOP IT! It tricks your mind and suppresses your appetite, which in turn is why you’re perpetually grumpy.

    Practice mindfulness . Try to imbibe positivity into your surroundings and into your thinking. Be it decorating your cubby hole with things that uplift your mood or by relieving stress and tension through a quick workout in your office. Find what cleanses the aura within and around and that in turn will better your dietary choices.


Five ways to savor life

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

July 26, 2016


So it’s close to midnight and I’m stuck in the hospital (sadly not as a physician but as a patient) where sleep plays a cat & mouse game with me. Figures, I may as well use this time to reflect a little …


Initially I wanted to write a piece of the 5 benefits of a particularly food item but then I landed up in hospital, quite unexpectedly & suddenly (I assure you nothing serious) and well, sometimes you gotta give in to the cliché .


What really is the point of all this wellness and fitness and healthy-wholesome lifestyle  I preach & practice? Is it just to fill up my hours, make a hectic schedule even more so and of course bring me that much-desired physique? Surely there has to be a subtext … ?


I won’t say I’ve got it but here are a few things that I’ve come to appreciate. It is what has brought me to feel RYE on a daily basis. I only hope to achieve it more often and with less thinking/focusing on it.



  • Physical benefits – As I stated before, there’s no denying that if you eat right and workout you ARE going to have a healthier body BUT what does that really mean? Well take for example a bout of food poisoning, which a few years ago would have knocked me down and out for a good week well; today I just need to be in hospital overnight for observation. And boy do I love it ! Not just because I miss my puppy and kitty cat dreadfully but well, in a hospital I definitely prefer the doctor side of things. But no seriously, today my immune system is so robust that it takes a LOT to bring me down and in the rare event that that does happen ; I bounce back pronto J Right now I am savoring this !
  • Emotional benefits – When you’re not physically strong, you aren’t mentally. Plain & simple and you can argue it all you want but take it from a doctor/fitness-trainer that this is without a doubt 10000% true. I remember 7 years ago when I first injured my knee and how much that ruined my quality of life. It took away my ability to dance as beautifully and gracefully as I used to, took away my courage to play sport and jump around and in hindsight, played a major role in throwing me into depression. Those were also the days I counted calories because my knee hurt and I couldn’t workout what I ate. See the vicious cycle? Physically I was weak but mentally I was distraught. I couldn’t shake off the low mood and feeling of hopelessness. Today, cuts, scrapes, scratches, burns and bruises I wear proudly like badges of honor because I know my body can take it all and more. Don’t get me wrong, I am not standing in front of a bus to see if I can bounce back from it but now when I injure physically or hurt in my heart & soul, there’s an in-built self-assurance that I’m gonna be okay. That I am savoring big time!
  • Pacing – I find that today because of this healthy lifestyle I’ve adopted, I’ve become more aware of my personal, individual and intimate needs. I know when I’m capable of being super productive (to the point of obsessive compulsive) and I know when I need to kick back on my couch in front of the telly with a hot cuppa. It definitely is something I knew not previously. Like any medical student/medic I pushed pushed pushed myself to the brink where there was nothing left but to burn out. Today I am that much more mindful . For instance if my body is too tired to do that 6th workout in a week, I don’t. Does it mean I’m slacking off? Not at all. I’ll still go for a walk but my pace is now purely determined by my body-mind duo. Similarly some days I come home and if I don’t feel like spending hours on end in front of a computer screen researching for an article I don’t. I have belief in my Type A personality to know that the task will be done well before the deadline so why worry and exhaust myself now? Instead I go for a massage or play ball with my puppy or just allow my chubby cat to purr my tiredness away. So much to savor J


  • Gratitude Attitude – Boy am I thankful ?! Of what you ask? I don’t even know where to begin! For parents, that are resolute in their undying love and support of me irrespective of whether they agree or disagree with my decisions. For my sister who is a phenomenal force and who just knows whether to cushion me or fan my spark. For friends that will come at the drop of a text to be by your side in times of need, either with ice-cream or wine or protein shakes depending on whose number you dial 😉 For animals that amaze me every single day that such bliss and unconditional love could exist. For the ability to love and be loved by so many ; I have realized just how rare that is. For the safe and clean environment I’ve lived and live in. For the stable finances I have at my disposal. For the immense security I possess thanks to the quality education I’ve received over the years. For being nurtured to have and live basic humane traits like kindness, compassion, fairness and equality. I could go on and on but there’s a final fifth point to address …. I make it a point to stop and savor this attitude at least once every day because not only is it good to be grateful but the sheer magnitude of energy it infuses me with is just too powerful to pen!


  • Stability – I do realize this is probably a culmination of the first 4 points but even so – Being fit and healthy brings so much stability to one’s life. If you’re a happier and optimistic person, chances are you’ll make better career decisions and personal decisions. I am at a point where a particular aspect of my personal life is threatening to override me and become a major stressor BUT by jove am I too good for that ! I step back, refuse for it to fluster me and either sort through thoughts and ideas rationally and logically or allow fate to swing me either which way. Some things you can control and some you can’t. Previously I believed we wrote our destiny but today I see that fate & destiny are cousins that exist together. The balance varies at different conjunctures of this journey that is life and what I know now is that I am stable enough in my being to allow that balance to come about rather than forcing it. How could you not savor such strength ? J

Five ways Fitness will change your life

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

May 4, 2016

I’ve been meaning to write this piece for a few weeks now but finding time for it amidst the daily routine has been challenging to say the least. It’s been one of those nagging thoughts that I’ve just had to voice.

I do consider myself tremendously privileged to be a part of the fitness industry and be in a position to motivate, inspire and influence people with whom I come into contact.

And I find myself often stressing one very basic point to my clients and patients – a fit & healthy lifestyle is NOT about weight loss and being skinny. Fitness is so MUCH MORE that just pounds shed and going down a pant/dress size.

I can’t even begin to articulate the impact that full-time fitness has had in my life and how it’s changed my mindset and core beliefs. But for the sake of this article I have tried my best to elaborate … Five ways fitness has changed my life and if you keep going and believing, it WILL change yours too 🙂

1) Energy surge – Many health magazines and articles will preach about the adrenaline surge and endorphin rush that comes with exercise but words do NOT do their true power justice! The impact of these hormones as the heart pumps them around your body is massive. It literally is like being ‘jumpstarted’. Not eating junk food which is loaded with sugar and processed chemicals together with a rigorous exercise regime wage a war on one’s lethargy and you find yourself on a constant high. I know I’m mostly abuzz and able to tackle many more daily tasks and errands than I ever could before and it’s all done to fitness. Your body is liking what it’s getting and believe you me, not even a glass of the most expensive wine or the most extravagant couture gown could match up to this feeling. One more thing – all those life obstacles that come your way… trust me on this one – you’ve GOT this!

2) Size won’t matter  – I have always been of a slim, trim and petite frame. Soon after hitting puberty and losing my chubby, baby poundage I’ve been skinny and yet I could not have been more disillusioned about my body image. I was the definition of skinny fat and whilst I could fool the rest of the world, I just couldn’t fool the girl that stared back at me in the mirror. I remember pinching various saggy bits of my body and feeling utter and complete despair. A trip to the beach or poolside despite donning a size 00 (yes I was double zero) bikini still brought about insane amounts of anxiety and feeling extremely self-conscious. Today I’m definitely not a size 00 and yet I have never been smaller in terms of inch measurement! It’s incredible … my clothes fit so better, my body has been shaped beautifully by strong, supple muscle and oh the confidence – it’s sky high and NOT the fake kind anymore! And I cant tell you how GREAT it is to wear a bikini. See it if you don’t believe me here.   I haven’t weighed myself in nearly 3 years; am certain if I did I’d find myself a good ten kilos heavier and yet my frame could NOT be smaller Coupled with a balanced, wholesome diet the textures of your body – muscle, blood vessels, skin, nerve etc will sing and glow I promise you. Now the girl in the mirror smiles back at me smugly – the sense of achievement and sheer comfort in her own skin is tangible and what’s more she whispers back to me, “size doesn’t matter!” As the popular hashtag puts it – #StrongNOTskinny

3) Gives you a routine  – I mentioned above that my workouts have become THE single most important thing on my ‘to-do’ list every single day (feeding my puppy and kitten don’t count). I am unapologetic and unabashed in admitting that my life (work and social life) are planned around my training hours and it is precisely THIS that has changed my life around 360. Seriously! I have never slept better, been more motivated, worked harder, set goals and pushed myself to achieve them and been so disciplined. That’s the thing with fitness – you get way more back than you put in and once you start seeing results there is just NO going back! I find myself choosing meals wisely when dining out, eating before I head out for drinks with friends so I don’t snack unnecessarily on fried rubbish AND even limiting my alcohol intake considerably, simply because I want to awake fresh and bright the next day so I can push harder in the gym. I have also realized that those who haven’t jumped onto this bandwagon will cast you aside and label you as a ‘fitness junkie’ or a ‘fitness freak’ but one more thing fitness does for you – the ability to put a positive spin on just about anything. I wear these labels with pride and indeed a streak of arrogance. The self-worth it helps you develop will tide you through anything people throw at you

4) My Happy place – My workouts are my way of worship. Quite literally and without sounding too dramatic they really are. When I’m happy I want to stretch my body and mind to new limits and when I’m sad, the gym is the only place I go to, to seek solace and comfort. Breaking into a sweat and getting your heartbeat racing works wonders in uplifting a dip in mood; something that is inevitable in the world today. Yes you may not feel like hitting the weights rack or pedaling furiously on a stationery bike in the gym when you want to just curl up on a couch and weep for hours on end, but trust me – DO IT ! After that initial intertia, once you get going, you will return ‘bouncier’.
Got a stressful life and no outlet? You know where to go 😉  Creative visualization is phenomenal in the gym to achieve new goals. Just imagine pounding a person that has caused you grief or heartache and believe you me, you’ll come back having shed the baggage.

5) You will constantly strive to be a better you –  That’s the thing with fitness. It IS and WILL become an addiction and guess what, it’s probably the ONLY addiction that is completely O.K. and highly recommended by doctors (I say so!). When you start seeing the changes in your body and feeling the difference in your mood you will be hooked. Your goal list will continue to grow just as the list of ‘goals DONE’ will too. Each and every session you’ll want to challenge yourself and work just that little bit harder and this perseverance and determination is bound to not only spill into your professional and social life but also rub off positively onto your friends and family. You’ll be making a difference to not just your life but to those around you – be it motivating someone to visit a fitness center and/or making wiser dietary choices. You just want MORE !

Five reasons you NEED to book a holiday NOW

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

April 3, 2016

So if you’ve been following me on Instagram you would know that I have just come back from, what I am quite certainly going to henceforth refer to as, “the holiday that changed me!” Dramatic and quite the flurry but I promise you this was no ordinary holiday…

For a person who dislikes travelling I sure do clock up a fair few miles annually. I know I know, you’re probably rolling your eyes and maybe even calling me ‘ungrateful’ under your breath(s) but I assure you, my travel mostly is far from relaxing. It’s always trying to pack a punch into a limited number of days/hours and there’s always this forced urge/need to have to awake early and be out and about. Then there’s the aspect that I get dreadfully homesick ; I miss my puppy and kitten and bed and shower and gym and closet and … you get the picture.

It took me 27 years to be able to practically scream it in frenzy : I DON’T LIKE BUSY-NESS! Again for anyone who remotely knows me or knows of me, this is exceptionally ironic. But it’s true! My parents are frontrunners of the ‘wake-up-early-and-go-out-and-systematically-explore-every-nook-and-cranny-of-this-new-place’ school of holidaying. I am NOT! I despise it. I have had the privilege of travelling to over 60 countries with my family but I can count only a handful of holidays that have truly touched my soul and left an everlasting impact on me.

I am much more of a meanderer. I like having a lazy breakfast and strolling aimlessly through city streets, venturing forth into alleyways and museums, sampling foods and just BE-ing. If I don’t feel up to DO-ing anything on a day, I won’t and will saunter into a coffee shop and laze with a book and lotta-latte.

Before I begin describing what my recent sojourn in Maldives was, a quick disclaimer: I am not promoting Maldivian tourism at all! This is merely because of the kind of holiday I had and the sheer beauty of this place that I felt I had to write this Fit5. I spent 4 nights and 5 days in a land where despite wi-fi penetrating the lush vegetation, you feel you’re disconnected in the best possible way. Where you see blue hues that you’ve probably only ever seen on a poster or stock image before. Where the sounds of the ocean and the sight/smell of wildlife will heal you in ways you didn’t even know possible. Where the zen through connectivity to nature cannot be articulated BUT which will translate into your overall fitness.

Oh yes you heard me … fitness ! I consumed food items that on a normal day back home I wouldn’t come in 2 feet distance off (read: Nutella!), didn’t physically exercise for even a minute and yet managed to look and feel the leanest I have ever been. Add to that, the measuring tape indicated an inch loss off my waist and half an inch off my hips – sign me up for next year too!

1) Stress is real – I parrot, somewhat ‘preachily’, about stress to my patients, clients and friends but this was the first time in a looong time that I actually got to de-stress fully, completely, wholly, totally and 100%. I was incredibly chilled out the entire time on the island. Even whilst diving with sharks and swimming through scores upon scores of Sting rays, I was calm in my mind. I ate 3 square not-so-healthy meals daily, slept 8 hours of dreamless sleep and still managed to drop inches. S T R E S S ! We underestimate it grossly. When I’m home, I am constantly thinking about my to-do list, about groceries and laundry and work reports and email correspondence and pet supplies… Even though I religiously clock 8 hours of sleep daily and eat super healthily, the stress of life in general is a massive obstacle to ultimate and wholesome fitness.

2) Solace in Solitude – Again such an underrated aspect to fitness! I do live alone here in Dubai and manage my own household plus a few jobs and pets and yet even in my quiet, alone time I don’t reap the benefits of solitude. My mind is forever wrapped (more like entangled) in thoughts, analyses, logistics and/or drowned out by the white noise of city-life …. AARRGH ! In the middle of the Indian Ocean, quite literally on a sandbank next to nowhere, I found me. Too spiritual to condense into words but I must admit I shed many a tear in that moment. It was overwhelming really – I felt waves upon waves of gratitude, fear, joy, calm, hope and nervousness crash upon me much like the sea upon this very sandbank. Far away from the reality of it all, I found solace in the fact that I have this unshakeable and undeniable reckoning deep within of who I am and what I want. It was overpowering … I had never felt fitter and stronger! I wish for everyone to experience this at least once.

3) Natural Healing – My Personal Trainer will no doubt tell you how much of a non-nature-lover I am. She’s been trying to get me to do a desert trek and a rocky mountain hike for over a year now. I am a ‘Town Mouse’ (city girl) through and through and the very idea of being stranded amidst the wilderness makes me uncomfortable. Whilst you could argue that I did have the luxury of a five star hotel at my beck and call, I have to say that I surprised myself in how many hours in the day I spent outside. If not swimming in the depths of the Indian Ocean, then most certainly nestled amongst the lush tropical greenery with a book. Fresh air, free from the polluted sounds, sights and smells of the city worked wonders to soothe my soul and I found myself drifting off into dreamless sleep every night thanks to it. Even the fauna I encountered on this trip had a healing effect. There’s something so liberating as one swims alongside sharks and sea turtles and wild dolphins and giant Manta rays. (again you can experience any kind of nature landscape; doesn’t have to be beaches)

4) Communication Quotient – I’d estimate that it’s been about a decade since I became a slave to this virtual cyber world. Being quite the Queen of Communications (if I say so myself) I still find that I never really bother too much in getting through to the recipient. This holiday I resolved to allot 2-3 hours max online (oh come on the photos had to go on instagram!) and spend the rest of the time in reality. And my word, have I been missing out! Being a sucker for stories, I found myself back in my prime, chattering away to complete strangers and greedily digesting their experiences and narratives. Again so underrated! In an existence that is incredibly narcissistic and highly self-indulgent it is often difficult to look beyond ourselves. Talking to random people on the island was quite a sharp awakening of just how much more there is than my little web and how much I can benefit by stepping out of it. Again the wording is perhaps not doing justice to the experience but indeed I met with the Editor of a leading publication in Britain and found myself mentally taking notes of how to improve my writing work. Daily life is that little grey cloud which threatens to rain and stem over creativity. Then there’s the society that surrounds you which chants (in the background) about what you should do, how you must be, why you shouldn’t wear/speak/think the way you do …. Travel out and communicate with those outside your routine bubble. It will change you!

5) Playtime – THIS is what holidays are for. To play! We work and work and work and even when we schedule social activities of meeting friends, it never does provide you with the downtime you’re craving. PLAY! Seriously, do NOT spend your days before the holiday poring over city maps and googling the tourist attractions. Get to your destination and take each day as it comes. In this modern era one need only do a quick web search to know what’s on and what’s what. But when you awake every morning, stop….. look ….. listen …. Feel …. What do you want to do today? I spent an entire day lazing in a hammock slung over the ocean with my book and an iced tea and periodically got off to indulge in a little crab-dodging. I can imagine my family exclaiming in horror that I’d wasted away a precious day in a new city but honestly, I don’t care. It’s been years since I played without being time-bound or responsibility bound and guess what, I not only deserved it but I also owe it to myself to do so frequently throughout the year ☺

So, have you packed your bags yet ? Hit me with a comment and tell me where you’re going !

Five things you didn’t now about DOMS

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

March 21, 2016

DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness for fitness buffs and gym junkies is possibly the most delicious ache ever! Indeed it’s one we wear with great pride, almost like a badge of honor and brag about to our peers.  Just last week I sat in my corporate office and was telling my colleague how sneezing and deep breaths were excruciating. The awestruck sympathy you receive is incredible validation –  “definitely ‘beasting’ it out in my ab workouts.”

But whilst I was elaborating and detailing the pain of DOMS I suddenly realized that the person in front of me seemed to think I was injured and was plainly horrified that after just a day of rest I was going to hit training hard the next day. For you Mr. L.G and for all the rest who don’t know how to differentiate between DOMS and other gym-related aches and pains … this #Fit5 is for you!

1) It has many signs & symptoms – A ‘syndrome’ is a collection of signs and symptoms and differs from a disease in that there is not just one aspect that produces an abnormal result. A syndrome is quite ‘loopy’ in that several things may be going on at the same time. To explain with logic, cause A may produce result B but it may also give rise to situation C that in turn will produce result D. In a syndrome, there may be only one sign/symptom or there may be more than one or there may be all the documented signs and symptoms that present. This is seen in DOMS. DOMS, sometimes referred to as muscle fever, has several characteristic features. Pain, muscle stiffness, localized tenderness, swelling and decrease in muscle strength are most commonly experienced.

2) It’s NOT because of Lactic Acid!  – The muscle soreness occurs because the eccentric/unfamiliar exercise causes microtrauma to the muscles fibres. Previously, it was thought that DOMS resulted due to a build up of lactic acid during exercise. This theory has now been completely debunked as evidence shows that the lactic acid is clearly within 30-60 minutes after exercise and so cannot be causal of DOMS.  The minute mechanical damage that occurs to the muscle fibres results in calcium being accumulated in the damaged muscles. This calcium degenerates muscle protein, which in turn causes muscle inflammation and swelling. Whilst the inflammatory response is necessary and useful for muscle repair and recovery, it is what sensitizes the nerves in the muscle and this is why one experiences pain/soreness/stiffness.

3) Don’t be afraid of it  – DOMS is actually a protective mechanism for the body. What happens through the trauma to the muscles is that the muscle(s) is forced to recover, repair and adapt rapidly to the kind of stress it experienced. It then evolves into a stronger form of itself to offer protection so that the next time it is placed under the same stress, it is well-equipped and more than able to take on the tension head-on.  The phenomenon is termed “repeated-bout effect” and the protection offered can be for several weeks after the exercise.

4) Distinguish DOMS from injury – DOMS does not occur immediately after the eccentric exercise. The muscle soreness takes anywhere from 24 to 72 hours to develop post workout. Pain experienced soon after a workout is NOT DOMS and should be investigated and managed appropriately (usually is musculoskeletal injury). DOMS subsides and disappears usually within 5-7 days after the workout. DOMS pain is unique in that further activity of the sore muscles helps alleviate the soreness after some initial pain. DOMS is also unique in that this continued use of the pained muscles does not hamper its recovery nor worsens the muscle damage. It is easy to distinguish DOMS from muscle injury, which usually occurs at the very instant that the muscle receives trauma. Any pain or swelling that occurs during the exercise at the instant of contraction is not DOMS and must be viewed with an index of suspicion. Another way to differentiate between DOMS and muscle soreness from injury is that at rest, DOMS doesn’t produce pain whilst an injured muscle will ache/throb even at rest.

5) DOMS obsess – Finally, don’t get obsessed with DOMS (I know I did when I was struck by the fitness fad). I found myself trying to push myself till I was battered, bruised, crippled and crushed (BBCC) after a workout. DON’T! If you are indeed BBCC then you’ve pushed too hard and chances are you’re injured. Ease yourself slow and steady into a new exercise. Going hardcore on day 1 will achieve nothing and do more harm than good.

DOMS is not a measure of how good your workout has been. With time your muscles will adapt and get stronger and repetition of the exercise won’t cause DOMS. This is why it is important to mix-up your workouts and trick your body time and again. Do not let it get used to any one activity. A good workout and a good fitness regime is where you constantly challenge your muscles and your body through different means and where at the end of the hour you are well and truly sweaty.

Five Ways to incorporate HIIT into your workout

by admin

March 9, 2016

Whilst I am quite partial to the weights’ rack and spend many days in the gym obsessing and pushing myself to lift heavier, I have to admit that there is little else that can come close to feeling as good as an accelerated heart rate and the surge of adrenaline that comes with it.

Running endlessly on a treadmill or spending hours on end on an elliptical will achieve little in terms of body sculpting. It will only affect your overall cardiovascular fitness, stamina and endurance. But such cardio is important and the best way to incorporate it effectively into your body toning workouts is HIIT.

HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is short bursts of extremely high power exercises to get your pulse soaring. This kind of training, with short rests in between are incredibly effective in boosting one’s metabolism and fitness levels.

So here are my top 5 HIIT exercises which I like to throw in between lifting weights :

1) Skipping – Try and do a 100 of these and aim to do them in under a minute. Definitely a challenge!


2) Mountain climbers – These are both a test to my endurance and exhilarating at the same time. Work your way up from 60 to 100 of them. Aim to do them without stopping!


3) Weighted Step Ups – Grab a bench or a high enough ledge to do these on. If you’re struggling with the weights then begin without them and work your way up. I prefer doing all on one leg first before swapping over. 15 step-ups on each leg should do the trick 😉


4) Jump squats – Want that ever-elusive Beyonce ‘bootay’ then SQUAT with your ass to the ground or go home (apologies couldn’t resist throwing that in). Jump as high as you can by catapulting yourself into the air from a deep squat position. Really pop that booty in your squats for it to hit every muscle in your glutes and legs. 20 jump squats and I guarantee you your heart rate will peak


5) Burpees – Last but not least, BURPEES ! Hit the ground (running) as fast as you push yourself up to standing tall. Add some weights to make it that much more challenging. Can you do 20 without stopping ?







** Image courtesy : Kayla Itsines

Five Benefits of drinking Green Tea

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

February 3, 2016


I never had any intentions of cutting back on my coffee intake! Put it this way, I lived for my daily cappuccinos. The creamy, frothy sweetness were little pick-me-ups that dotted my days. But I had to … My PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) needed to be controlled more strictly with diet and I had to give up on coffee (I’m one of those people that will not drink it black!) and make the switch to Green tea.


I didn’t know much about it when I first brought Green tea into my life but 11 months later not only am I a fan but I find I can’t do without it. (read more about Green tea here) It’s benefits are numerous and the fact that it’s zero calorie and zero sugar makes this beverage truly EPIC.


So here are 5 reasons you need to start having a cuppa 🙂


1) Restore fluid balance – Not getting your 3 litres of water daily? Get it through Green tea. Not only is this beverage wonderfully hydrating but you can also make it interesting with different flavors like Green tea with lemon or Green tea with mint etc.

2) Combat caffeine addiction – Caffeine dependency is something a lot of people struggle with but too much coffee and energy drinks can have detrimental effects on one’s mood, productivity and even psychology. Green tea is a great way to get in tiny amounts of caffeine while preserving your wellbeing. Green tea has 1/3 the caffeine content of coffee.

3) Nutritional value –  Green tea is a rich source vitamins and minerals and of anti-oxidants, which are instrumental in neutralizing free radicals which otherwise cause cell damage. A cup of Green tea with a meal is an easy way of consuming anti-oxidants at almost no calorie gain. Amazingly, one can consume many more antioxidants from a simple cup of tea than from a serving of fruits or vegetables.

4) No added cost – Green tea has no sugar (assuming you haven’t added any to your brew) and next to nil calories making it for a phenomenal way to keep your digestive system busy without the burden of weight gain. Further, it can help combat sugar cravings and is a useful potion to consume regularly for this very purpose. Creamy coffees or soft drinks and juices in contrast, by nature of the way they’re marketed, trick one’s psyche into craving a snack to go with. For eg, coffee and a donut or some fizzy drink with chips/crisp . Green tea in that sense has no “baggage”

5) Fat blaster – Possibly the greatest strength of Green tea is it’s ability to enhance one’s metabolism and facilitate fat oxidation. We all want that, don’t we? To drink/eat something that will magically melt away our excess poundage? But a word of caution — this is ONLY possible in the presence of regular exercise of moderate-intense nature AND a disciplined dietary regime. Together with that, Green tea can work wonders and increase lipolysis (fat breakdown)



Five ‘Flab’ to ‘Ab’ moves

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

January 21, 2016

I have yet to meet a woman who didn’t want a flat, taut belly or wanted to flaunt washboard abs. Yet sadly, our gender is one of the prime reasons our goal is difficult to attain and moreover, maintain! Women do have a tendency to store much of our fat around the belly and hip region to protect and nurture precious uteruses and eggs within. Which brought me to penning this #Fit5 because I personally love these exercises and try to incorporate them into nearly every workout I do. They have a phenomenal way of strengthening one’s core and enhancing stability and of course, toning this rather stubborn ‘terrain’.

But before you start directing your entire attention and focus to the moves below, let me stop you right there and tell you that in order to burn belly flat you HAVE to do full-body workouts of high intensity cardio and weight lifting. Fat cannot be burnt off from an area by only doing exercises that target the region. If anyone tells you otherwise, I urge you to NOT believe them.

These exercises aren’t to be done in isolation and are to be an add-on to your regular gym routine. That being said, their biggest pro is that they can be done anywhere and everywhere and are perfect to do in hotel rooms when you’re travelling and/or don’t have access to a gym.

I suggest doing 3 rounds of these in a workout. If you’re struggling, decrease the reps initially and gradually work your way to the full number. These have worked wonders on me and taken off the ‘flab’ leaving mostly abs 😉 *

Don’t forget to warm up first and stretch afterwards

1)Ab bicycles – these are brilliant in working the upper and mid-level abs whilst also getting your heart rate up. Aim to do about 40 reps (20 each side) of these


2) Mountain climbers – A personal favorite because that heart rate you work up in (1), well Mountain Climbers ensure that it’s positively soaring! You should aim to complete a 100 of these but again work your way up starting from 40-50. Enjoy the blood pounding in your ears ☺

Mountain Climbers

3) Weighted bent leg Jacknives – These burn! Sorry but you’ve got to do them and learn to love that burn. I promise you will eventually. Your aim is to do 30 but again start from 10-12 WITHOUT weights first and then work your way up to doing 30 of them with a 5-6 Kg weight

Weighted Bent Jackknives

4) Weighted burpees – Burpees are a great full-body cardio blast and doing them with weights only enhances their flab burning ability. Aim to ultimately complete 15 reps with 5-8 Kg in each hand. I would again advise you to begin sans weights and ensure your form is correct. There are several videos available online to denote correct posture and form.

Weighted Burpees

5) Weighted Russian twists – I haven’t the faintest idea why these are ‘Russian’ but that’s what they’re called and we’ll stick to that (read: I shall resist my urge to share my assessment with you). Prop yourself onto your sit-bones alone and maintain your balance there. 30 reps (15 on each side) with a 10 Kg medicine ball or weight ought to do the trick but again, leave out the weight first and work upwards. It’s difficult but totally worth it!

Weighted Russian Twists

** Images : courtesy Kayla Itsines

Five full-body exercises you can do ANYWHERE !

by Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

January 8, 2016

Be honest, how often have you made the following statement, “but I don’t have time to go to the gym!” A complaint I hear all too frequently and one that I retort to with a cliché myself, “you’ve got to make time!”

But I have to agree sometimes it really is impossible to get yourself out to the gym and this invariably is the issue I face when I travel and when I am not staying in a hotel. Out of sheer necessity I had to start working out in the room I was staying in and hey presto! My top 5 exercises which can be done anywhere, anytime and which require zero equipment. Try to do as many of these in a routine spanning from 30-45 minutes. When you plan your workout it’s okay to focus on one key area i.e. legs, arms, core more than the other in one session but make sure you tend to the remaining areas in later sessions. Also, don’t forget to warm up with some on the spot jogging and then cool down with some stretches after.

** Google or Youtube are incredible sources to look up variations of these exercises and to ensure you maintain correct form.


1)  Squats & Lunges – By far my favorite section! I love squatting especially because it has this amazing way of engaging every single muscle in your legs and making sure they’re used to the max. I for one am a sucker for that muscle burn and enjoy doing these both with and without weights. Naturally if you don’t have access to a Weights Rack do them without and mix up your routine by doing a variety of squats like : Narrow-stance squats, Squats with feet a bit wider than hip-width, Sumo squats, one-legged squats and to bring in that HIIT element, JUMP SQUATS! Keep your chest & head lifted, stick your BOOTAY out and remember, “Ass to the Grass or Go home!” Lunges are similar to squats in how they encompass all leg muscles. Ensure your form is bang on accurate and indulge in forward, reverse, side-step and bouncing lunges. Knee positioning is the key with lunges as is the depth you sink down to, so go lower and lower and lower … Upper body holds upright and in control.

2)  Planks – What squats are to legs, planks are to the full body. And what’s more is with planks that mad desire which is sparked within to hold them for a little longer, a little longer and just a little bit more … Don’t feel bad at all if you’re unable to hold them up for longer than 20 seconds (I started out at 15 seconds and on my knees). Keep at it, don’t give up, involve your abdominal muscles and EMBRACE that tremor 😉   Mix up the routine with simple planks, elbow-tapping planks, military planks or commando planks and mountain-climber planks. Quite a test of your core strength and stability! Remember to keep those hips steady and stable and ensure your body is dead straight in a line.

3)  Cardio boosts – It’s very important to get your heart rate soaring in these workouts and there are moves which will get your blood surging. Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers and Skipping. A skipping rope is light and easy to pack and take with you on travel. Aim for 100 of each and love that feeling of your heart thumping in your chest. It’s a sign that you’re alive!

4)  Push ups – Working upwards and it is time to hit the shoulders, chest and biceps. These can be done on a bench or a coffee table and/or on the floor. Place your hands wider than your shoulders, have your elbows reaching wide open, keep your hips steady and high and aim to bring your chest as low down to the bench/table/ground as you can. Push back up and keep going! How many reps can you do?

5)  Tricep dips – Again these can be done on the same bench/coffee-table or even on the ground. Set yourself up in a correct posture, place your hands hip-width apart with your fingers facing front and dip by virtue of bending your elbows backwards at 90 degrees. How delicious is that squeezing burn running down the back of your arm?

Dr. Daamini Shrivastav


Dr. Daamini Shrivastav

Juggling many roles from physician to writer to pilates instructor to Marketing-PR executive, Dr. Daamini is constantly pushed and inspired to get creative on how to encompass a Retreat into her daily life.
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